~Dominic Colucci~
Ma Rocio Vives Lopez
September 29, 2011
The Tree Becomes A Soul ( www.amazon.com )
This is a must have book whether you are or not in the spiritual path,,,,,an insightful, inspiring and soothing oasis of sweet deep poetry.....fully recommended.
Norma Gatlin
February 13, 2013
The Love of My Life ( www.amazon.com )
This is a book of poems with artistic, musical ,scenes, from the core of the heart. The poems are tailored
in a standard of excellence, not at all done by traditional sense...a must read...yes, I do recommend this book of poems if you are a romantic at heart.... I am
Norma Gatlin, Author of: SHADOW OF FORGOTTEN LOVE
A Love Affair with the Divine!...
February 24, 2012
The Love of My Life ( www.amazon.com )
Whether you find your truest love in nature, your connection with Spirit or the arms of a passionate lover, if you love LOVE this book is for you! Beautiful inspiring poetry to help you connect with the deepest & most passionate love within. From the authentic heart of the divinely inspired Dom Colucci. Love it!
Norma Gatlin
February 13, 2013
Love Continues From Within ( www.amazon.com )
Almost a romantic novel, yet done in a poetic format...I am doubly blessed knowing that two genres have come together to form a story of love, that have taken many forms....A must read if you love nature and maybe outside of nature's bounds...
A recommendation, I give it a five...
Fiona Robson rated it it was amazing
Shelves: spiritual
The Tree Becomes A Soul ( www.goodreads.com )
My friend, Deborah lent me this and I loved every bit of it. If you like Eckhart Tolle, you will LOVE this. I would reccommend this book to everybody.