~Dominic Colucci~
I am a writer, poet and author of three books inspired by the Soul* that resides within. Lightly every word is spoken through silence as its rhythm continues with each word through a heart beat. There are three blogs with my inspired words through poetry and they are www.zen-inspirations.blogspot.com www,wrotethesequotes.blogspot.com and www.consciousnessbeyondzen.blogspot.com . I invite you to visit them and enjoy each of the many poems that are there. Thank you.

There has been two awakened truths so far that made me see something different within myself and a life many cannot seem to believe that it happens. The further away externally that I seek no more in desires or attachments the closer I see where the origin of what is within myself to come home to. It has taken many years to only find out there is no need to seek no longer. As Jim Newman, a non dualist speaker has said, "whatever you are looking for you will never find it because it is not lost". In Zen practice it is pointing back within oneself to know their true nature or Buddha nature. There is no judgment or attachment of the one that knows of you that made you to become its whole while you are still here within it. My life has not been an easy one prior to February 14, 2007 but a certain shift had happen back then in letting me know in what I was focusing on I was getting in return. That spark that changed my life forever was The Secret © by Rhonda Byrne.
One must see that the Universe is vast, free, open and positive as it is this Universe that has such elements in it to make it grow more with love. Sad that the one who has doubt, suffering. misery and feels of lamentations is only that one as the Universe knows not of their suffering as slowly they implode in wishing in what to have is what is giving that one in return. In this case this is individualized. And the symbolism behind this is the two signs that make up such energy. The plus (+) and the minus (-). A deeper look at this we note that the middle of the plus (+) has the heart to carry them through in happiness and love to an aligned and balance Universe. The moment that the one turns against this the then note in doubt and misery the sign has lost the upright line as the heart is taken away and to that degree we see the negative sign as death or the parallel position to earth no longer a utilization to the Universe that wills them to be of its ecstatic essence of happiness.